C4D教程 每周一课 角色走路运动图形蜂蜜流体关节金属流动  Lynda.Cinema.4D.Weekly.UPD…APoLLo

C4D教程 每周一课 角色走路运动图形蜂蜜流体关节金属流动 Lynda.Cinema.4D.Weekly.UPD…APoLLo

C4D教程 每周一课 角色走路运动图形蜂蜜流体关节金属流动 Lynda.Cinema.4D.Weekly.UPD…APoLLo

EJ Hassenfratz一起分享他的技巧,技术,这些技巧可用来提高Cinema 4D的3D技能,Cinema 4D是动态图形艺术家和设计师的必备工具。了解这些有用的策略如何增强您的设计并简化整个工作流程。每周四更新一个新的技巧教程。
join EJ Hassenfratz as he shares tips, techniques, and strategies for boosting your 3D skills with Cinema 4D, the essential tool for motion graphics artists and designers. Learn how to enhance your designs—and streamline your overall workflow—with these helpful tactics. Tune in every Thursday for a new tip.

EJ Hassenfratz(EJ大神)介绍:
E.J. Hassenfratz是一位屡获艾美奖的自由动态设计师,同时也是著名的C4D教育专家。毕业于宾州滑石大学并曾任职于ABC(美国广播公司),服务过包括NBA、 NHL、ESPN和Discovery探索频道等在内的客户。他是一位自学成才的3D艺术家,因此热心于教育事业,之后创建了著名的个人教育品牌网站eyedesyn.com,发布过大量C4D相关教程并广为国内C4D用户所熟知,常年作为Maxon特邀的演讲嘉宾在各大CG展会上进行技术分享,现已加入School of Motion。

01.Automatic walk cycles using CMotion
02.Cinema 4D Weekly
03.Text inflation animations
04.Intro to Morph deformer
05.Intro to subsurface scattering in Cinema 4D (C4D)
06.Subsurface scattering in OctaneRender
07.Intro to Cinema 4D R20 fields
08.Intro to R20 volumes
09.Intro to decay and delay fields in R20
10.Mesh morphs with fields and volumes
11.Creating material wipes using fields
12.Interactive render region for OctaneRender
13.Viewing the speed graph in C4D
14.Creating realistic noise-based materials
15.Follow-through and overlapping animation
16.Procedural growth animation
17.Rigging and animating a 3D character in minutes with Mixamo
18.Easy melt simulations in C4D
19.Fading objects with effectors
20.Onion skinning in C4D
21.Blueprint renders using Sketch and Toon
22.Baking Mixamo animation into motion clips
23.Mixing Mixamo animation with motion xlips
24.Must-know Xpresso
25.Looping animation applied to effectors
26.Intro to C4D sculpting tools
27.Creating glTF files for AR and VR
28.Intro to IK rigging
29.Intro to rigging with joints
30.Using deformers for character animation
31.Rigging simple objects with FFDs
32.Animation smears
33.Cartoon mouth rig using Spline IK
34.Add watermarks or timecodes to renders
35.Intro to the Doodle tool
36.Faster renders using Physical Renderer
37.Using bendy limbs rig for C4D





C4D插件-C4D动画曲线编辑辅助插件 Grafixer

C4D插件-光线跟踪物理渲染器 Corona Renderer 3.2 For C4D WIN

C4D插件-中文汉化版C4D植物树木快速生成动画插件 Forester

C4D插件-绳子快速生成插件 HoRope master WIN中文汉化版

C4D插件-动力学流体模拟插件NextLimit RealFlow C4D

C4D插件-C4D地面吸附对齐插件 Snap To Floor 1.3 Win/Mac

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C4D插件-动力学流体模拟插件NextLimit RealFlow C4D

C4D插件-C4D地面吸附对齐插件 Snap To Floor 1.3 Win/Mac

C4D插件-C4D VR虚拟现实全景渲染插件汉化版Cineversity CV-VRCAM 1.50

C4D模型-Octane Render科幻外星飞船模型工程 含材贴图

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音频素材-11600个最全游戏音频 音效特效声音实用素材库大全3.4GB


C4D插件-流体水模拟插件 NextLimit RealFlow C4D

C4D插件-摄像机动画模拟插件GreyscaleGorilla GorillaCam

C4D插件-点线样条连接生成器器插件 Topowire 1.0 Win/Mac

C4D插件-C4D布料模拟插件 Syflex for Cinema 4D R19 Win版


C4D插件-C4D动画曲线编辑辅助插件 Grafixer

C4D插件-Arnold阿诺德渲染器插件 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.6.0


C4D插件-光线跟踪物理渲染器 Corona Renderer 3.2

C4D插件-流体动力学模拟FumeFX 5.0 for C4D R18-21PC版

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