PS插件-PS商业人像美容美白插件 Ultimate Retouch Panel Win/Mac破解版

PS插件-PS商业人像美容美白插件 Ultimate Retouch Panel Win/Mac破解版

Ultimate Retouch panel包含175个功能,主要有7大分类,比如修补,润色,调色,磨皮特效等

【功 能 特 性】
175 functions in one panel
7 unique blocks for retouch
20 custom buttons for your personal actions
Frequency Separation 8 and 16 bits
Immediate switch on and off of visual texture boost
Frequency Separation by a plugin Portraiture
Fast retouch
Color Correction block with 30 presets
4 methods of technique Dodge & Burn
3 help layers to capture the flaws and irregularities
Dual Vision for easy managing of Dodge & Burn
Work whith RGB channels and masks
Local and global High Pass Sharp
Based on scripts for fast work
A special algorithm to save photos to social networks
Dynamic opacity and vignette
Multi tint effect

【文 件 类 型】Adobe
【文 件 大 小】:14MB
【版 本 支 持】:Photoshop CS6-CC2019

视频素材-8种水花水滴飞溅散开效果动画合成素材 含Alpha通道
音频素材-11600个最全游戏音频 音效特效声音实用素材库大全3.4GB


诚通网盘PS插件-PS商业人像美容美白插件 Ultimate Retouch Panel

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