三维可视化建筑动画软件Twinmotion 2019.0.15900 Win中/英文汉化破解版

三维可视化建筑动画软件Twinmotion 2019.0.15900 Win中/英文汉化破解版

【软 件 简 介】
Twinmotion 2019.0.15900 是一款由Abvent发布的三维可视化建筑动画软件,该工具是可视化的实时工具。Twinmotion 2019增加了自动纠正透视的能力,为场景添加可渲染的测量,轻松切换视图以放置对象的能力,以及新产品经理保持应用程序及其库更新的能力。全新的VR模式,用户只需点击一下鼠标即可在VR模式下查看和编辑场景,Archicad和Revit插件的性能也得到了提升。图书馆已扩展了800多个新项目,包括动画旗帜,贴花,新材料,室内装饰和一套建筑模型。屡获殊荣的Twinmotion是一款针对Windows操作系统开发的实时3D沉浸式软件,可以改变设计师和工程师与模型的互动方式。 与当今市场上的所有3D建模软件兼容,Twinmotion非常适合任何景观,城市规划或建筑专业人士。 使用简单直观的用户界面进行设计,可以立即使用。 Twinmotion非常易于使用,在眨眼之间创建高质量的图像和动画。只需单击一次点击解决方案即可添加反射表面并创建粘土渲染,从而提高了渲染效果。还有一套工具可以大大简化环境照明设置。
Twinmotion 2019是针对建筑、工程、城市规划和景观设计领域而设计的实时可视化渲染软件。采用强大的渲染引擎,Twinmotion是唯一一款能够分秒间生成高清渲染图、360全景图片、3D动画、360度旋转动画以及支持3D虚拟现实体验的渲染方案。


Twinmotion 2019.0.15900 is a 3D visualization building animation software released by Abvent, which is a real-time visualization tool. Twinmotion 2019 adds the ability to automatically correct perspectives, add renderable measurements to scenes, easily switch views to place objects, and new product managers’ ability to keep applications and their libraries updated. In the new VR mode, users can view and edit the scene in VR mode with one click, and the performance of Archicad and Revit plug-ins has also been improved. The library has expanded more than 800 new projects, including animated flags, decals, new materials, interior decoration and a set of architectural models. Twinmotion, an award-winning real-time 3D immersive software developed for Windows operating system, can change the way designers and engineers interact with models. Compatible with all 3D modeling software on the market today, twinmotion is ideal for any landscape, urban planning or architecture professional. Design with a simple and intuitive user interface that you can use immediately. Twinmotion is very easy to use, creating high-quality images and animations in the blink of an eye. The one click solution improves rendering by adding reflective surfaces and creating clay renderings. There is also a set of tools to greatly simplify ambient lighting settings. Twinmotion 2019 is a real-time visual rendering software designed for the fields of architecture, engineering, urban planning and landscape design. With a powerful rendering engine, twinmotion is the only rendering scheme that can generate HD rendering images, 360 panoramic images, 3D animation, 360 degree rotation animation and support 3D virtual reality experience in minutes and seconds. Twinmotion’s clear and intuitive interface makes it easy to learn and use, and it is suitable for any scale project, any equipment, any building software and any level of operation.

【文 件 类 型】其他
【文 件 大 小】
【系 统 支 持】:WIN
【语 言 支 持】:德语,法语,葡萄牙语,日语,西班牙语,英语,中文
【软 件 版 本】:V2019.0.15900

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