C4D插件-流体烟雾火焰模拟插件TurbulenceFD C4D v1.0 Build 1401 Win免破解版 免费下载

C4D插件-流体烟雾火焰模拟插件TurbulenceFD C4D v1.0 Build 1401 Win免破解版 免费下载

TurbulenceFD’s simulation pipeline implements a voxel-based solver based on the incompressible Navier Stokes equations. That means it uses a voxel grid to describe the volumetric clouds of smoke and fire and solves the equations that describe the motion of fluid on that grid. For each voxel TurbulenceFD calculates the velocity of the fluid as well as several channels to describe properties like temperature, smoke density, amount of fuel, etc. This simulation process produces a voxel grid for each frame, which is cached on disk for use by the Volumetric Renderer.

【支持版本】:R15  R16  R17  R18
【安装方法】:拷贝TurbulenceFD C4D v1.0 Build 1401到C4D根目录下的plugins文件夹即可

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