C4D教程-使用阿诺德渲染器表现金属材质效果Lighting Metallic Surfaces in Arnold

C4D教程-使用阿诺德渲染器表现金属材质效果Lighting Metallic Surfaces in Arnold

在这段视频中,Chad Ashley展示了更好的方法来与HDRIs和阿诺德的金属表面。无论你是创造产品可视化或电影铬标志,乍得走你通过他的方法,以帮助使您的反射表面发光。
In this video, Chad Ashley demonstrates better ways to light metallic surfaces with HDRIs and Arnold. Whether you’re creating product visualizations or a cinematic chrome logo, Chad walks you through his approach to help make your reflective surfaces shine.


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