C4D预设-未来科幻多边形城市预设C4D插件 Poly Greeble 1.01 for Cinema 4D R15-S22

C4D预设-未来科幻多边形城市预设C4D插件 Poly Greeble 1.01 for Cinema 4D R15-S22

未来科幻多边形城市预设C4D插件 Poly Greeble 1.01 for Cinema 4D R15-S22
Poly Greeble是一款硬科幻城市多边形生成插件,可以快速生成多种效果的科幻建筑效果,当你创建一个表面或者物体,可以用这个预设来快速的生成各种细节非常丰富的科技感表面。模型精度比较高,样式比较丰富。有了这个神器,你就可以瞬间制作出非常炫酷和具有未来感的模型场景元素。是丰富画面和模型细节的神器。
Poly greeble is a hard science fiction City polygon generation plug-in, which can quickly generate a variety of sci-fi architectural effects. When you create a surface or an object, you can use this preset to quickly generate a variety of detail rich science and technology surfaces. The model has high precision and rich styles. With this artifact, you can instantly create very cool and futuristic model scene elements. It is a artifact that enriches the details of pictures and models.

Poly Greeble is a plugin that will instantly make your mesh’s feel like a real manufactured objected with details generated on every polygon. If you need a techy futuristic feel to your scene you will find no plugin more suited for the job then Poly Greeble.

支持的软件版本:Cinema 4D R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, S22

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