AE教程-AK大神炫酷多彩信号损坏故障特效教程 Colorful Glitch FX Tutorial

AE教程-AK大神炫酷多彩信号损坏故障特效教程 Colorful Glitch FX Tutorial

It’s late! But here it is anyways, a brand NEW Tutorial! Wow snap. Let me tell you it, feels good to get stuff finished and I look forward to show you all of the things we have been working on!

Procedural Glitch design 程序故障设计
Build a realistic reflective surface 100% inside AE!在AE内建立一个真实的反射表面100%!
Unique Color glow procedure 独特的发光过程
Ability to animate between different titles 能够在不同标题之间进行动画制作


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